Oooo so minty and fresh! It was time for a new start. Out with the old. In with the new. From this point on, Linux…Continue reading “Oooo so minty and fresh!”…
Goodbye Ubuntu I’ve been an avid user of Ubuntu for many users, from desktops and laptops, all the way up to servers.…Continue reading “Goodbye Ubuntu”…
Meta X to IE’s Rescue Compatibilitiy between browsers is always a major issue when developing websites, any web developer should tell you that. The more…Continue reading “Meta X to IE’s Rescue”…
The Alphabet of Great Films This post was inspired by someone who suggested something similar to me on Twitter back in 2011, but it wasn’t…Continue reading “The Alphabet of Great Films”…
Cant enter Linux Wireless Password Okay so a nice short article on something that was causing me a lot of grief! I came home from…Continue reading “Cant enter Linux Wireless Password”…
Top 5 WordPress plugins so far Everyone loves a top X list. Whether its the top 10 music charts or your top 3 holiday resorts, the…Continue reading “Top 5 WordPress plugins so far”…
jQuery: $ is not a function – Fix for common jQuery error “Error: $ is not a function”, this is the error that was being thrown back at me while working on…Continue reading “jQuery: $ is not a function – Fix for common jQuery error”…
FTP Connection failure with EAI_NONAME error While trying to use FileZilla FTP client the other day, I copied in a clients details to the configuration panel,…Continue reading “FTP Connection failure with EAI_NONAME error”…
Goodbye TweetDeck! Hello… umm TweetDeck?! Okay so as a regular Linux and Twitter user, I have had to live with TweetDecks partially compatible program for…Continue reading “Goodbye TweetDeck! Hello… umm TweetDeck?!”…
jQuery.queue() – An explanation of the jQuery FX method So today I came across a bit of a UX problem while using jQuery; I wanted to submit some form…Continue reading “jQuery.queue() – An explanation of the jQuery FX method”…