Facebook and how to remove trending articles

Facebook LogoWithout trying to sound like a massive grumpy so-and-so, every update to Facebook seems to make it less about us and what we’re saying, and more about advertising or sharing stuff that frankily I don’t care about. My biggest annoyance recently is the trending articles that are being inserted, at random it seems, around my Facebook timeline. Yeah I know change is usually painful – but every Facebook change I can remember has been painful.

I don’t care what news articles my friends are reading, or what songs they’re listening to. If I was sat in the same room as a friend I wouldn’t peer over their shoulder to check what they’re reading, so why would I care to be alerted to this fact when there’s 100’s of my friends reading online papers.

You can also use this method to block other apps, not just ones that post ‘trending articles’.

Goodbye Facebook trending articles and apps!

So here’s how to block their annoying timeline imposing ‘trending article’ post…

Actually that’s another thing, sometimes it says one of my friends is reading a post, yet its still labelled as a ‘trending article’. Hardly trending if you’re combing it with a stat of one viewer. Anyway, I digress…

To remove the trending article posts make sure you’re logged into Facebook and then click the blue arrow in the top right corner of the screen.

From the drop down, select your Privacy Settings.

Facebook Privacy Settings

Then click the “Manage Blocking” link near the bottom.

Manage Blocking in Facebook

Then right near the bottom there’s a ‘Block Apps’ input box. Start typing in the offending author of the trending articles post and hopefully it should pop up.

Select that and be plagued by them no more.

No more trending articles on Facebook

Hope this helps!

1 thought on “Facebook and how to remove trending articles

  1. Cheers for that! I was hoping there was an option to do that, but they don’t avail themselves as obvious these days. I wish they could have a setting you could save for keeping the live feed as “most recent” instead of “popular stories” too, but I also wish I could beat Pete at Puerto Rico.. each as unlikely as the other!

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